NEW DELHI: A 24-year-old man, who had lost his job and whose wife deserted him, allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself from a tree near his home here Sunday, police said. The body of Manoj Kumar was found in the morning in Sector 12 of Dwarka. "He (Kumar) used to work at a private hospital in Chankyapuri area but had recently lost his job," a police officer said. Kumar got married last year, but, according to police, there were frequent fights between the couple after he lost his job. "Recently, his wife left him and started living with her parents house in Dwarka area. "On Saturday, he came to meet his wife but failed to convince her. He then went to a park in Dwarka area where he allegedly hanged himself. A suicide note was recovered from him, but we are confirming whether it was written by him only," the officer said.
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a lot of gloomy and sad stories over here. Hai.. The world will be a better place if people dont go hungry. Don't roll over and die. Be strong!